Friday, January 17, 2014

A Cold, Cold Winter!

I know we are not the only ones fighting extreme cold this winter.  I hope this finds you staying warm! We have been working hard to stay warm with temperatures dropping to -15 degrees our little wood stove is working overtime to keep us warm. 

Here's the girls and I cuddled up under seven blankets (we counted!) on the day we couldn't get the house above 50 degrees.  That night it dropped to 37 degrees!  We stocked our little fire religiously and Super D and I slept in the living room by it to keep it going all night.  The next day we got a much better supply of wood that is burning better!  The last stuff just didn't want to burn very hot and if you've never had to use a fire to keep a house warm I know that sounds odd. 
 I never realized all that goes into using a wood stove.  We sure didn't get much done for a couple days but had a pretty good time cuddling and watching TV. 

Even the dogs had to get in on the blanket action!  Thankfully the weather has gotten warmer since then and our stove is keep up much better.  I've been glad for some sunshine and hope the below 0 temps are behind us for the year.  I am looking forward to spring! 

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